[TODO-12] Create favicon.ico

Create favicon.ico with the logo only: http://wiki.opensourceecology.de/wiki/Corporate_Identity

Is this good enough?
favicon.zip (739 Bytes)

Thank You Beluga!

I udpated the favicon in the Wiki and the Blog according to:

Your task was added to the completed tasks:

Update: I happened upon an article about big favicons. Attached is a favicon.ico with four different sizes, 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 64x64, embedded in it. It is quite big, so you should have gzip in your .htaccess to compress also .ico files and it will not hurt so much.

Quoting from the article:

Supply a 64x64 favicon.ico file (with 4 various sized images embedded in it - see below) and put it in the root directory of your web files. In your HTML <HEAD… section add:

favicon.zip (5.19 KB)