Thanks to Thomas Walter and Michael Ruffer in collaboration with Prof. Montenegro the new RODOS now supports Raspberry Pi, (STM32bit) Cortex-M1, M3 and M4.
This is relevant for us, as for example []Tumanako Open Source Electronics for Electric Vehicles[/url] and the very advanced OpenPilot use STM 32bit Cortex-M4 because of its Floating point hardware implementation (if ARM gcc toolchain is used) that makes it capable to process computing intense floating point calculations fluently.
The good thing is, it supports Arduino (AVR in general) devices that have 2 kB RAM and 20 kB FLASH ROM as well as ARMv7 (if I’m not wrong BeagleBone should be covered by that, because Cortex-A7+ should use ARMv7 standard) and many other microcontrollers like Raspberry Pi and even FPGA devices. Now FPGA might be too fancy for us and will cost far too much. DSPs might be an option but we should try to handle big data with as simple solutions as possible.
RODOS has some advantages. With it we can:
- write simple code. (No more fancy and hardware specific usage of TIMER counters that get more and more only semi-useful features that hardly anybody uses and only makes it complicated and incompatible with other vendors.)
- write portable code.
- change the microcontroller on the fly without changing the software.
- no longer have to bother about how this dang register
- no longer have to fear the easy conflicts and general mess that occurs in c-type procedural realtime operating systems like RTOS (nothing against RTOS or C, I like it and use it, but it’s a mess for big projects - that’s because can’t encapsulate your data properly and still keep your methods accessable the same way like the attributes. And honestly if we compare Assembly with C and then with C++ - is there really so much more abstraction? Is C++ so much a higher level abstraction that it’s suddenly evil? C is cool, but C++ is much more reusable and what open source needs is proper modularity and not 4 million redundant teeth brush machines for which each developer had to spend so much time in solving already solved problems. We have a lot more to research, there is no time to reinvent the wheel each year unless you explicitely wish it because you’re a geek and nerdy and have nothing else to do. Don’t take it personally, I meant it as a critics of modern society.).
- no longer have to deal with the realtime problems of UNIX operating systems (eventhough a realtime GNU/Linux kernel would be brilliant!).
What it will not relieve us from:
- Knowing the hardware by heart to always remember which pin is actually connected to what.
- Reading the microcontroller datasheets because when debugging RODOS applications it might well be that you step into the assembly code or at least want to see what is going on in the hardware layer. Noone is safe from bugs, so is RODOS.
- Using all our creativity to create something fancy out of the simplest things. It’s just about making the Open source community more compatible.
I don’t know if you like it, but if you like then use it. I will develop and put up online (as RODOS is Open source) example projects as quickly as is possible to drive EDUWAFA & AMOR forward. Unfortunately for now one has still to ask Sergio Montenegro for the Source code as he wants to know what people do with it and who it does. You can also ask DLR but you will end up with Prof. Montenegro anyway. (Last year I tested it and asked DLR for the code not telling them that I’m a student of Prof. Montenegro anyway. Then I received an email of the Professor and even the source was attached, perhaps I was just lucky … lol Anyway, they don’t bite, they are good fellows. Unfortunately I’m a bit a black sheep for them currently as I’m not a good student currently - wonder why lol, something must distract me, I don’t know what
. Irony off No, i’m open source and it’s no secret: The teacher’s project has knocked me off for much too long a time and I am missing 2 ECTS points and my thesis (guess, the Teacher’s project should have been my topic but there are difficulties now and this shocked me, so I have to work out two theses simultaneously) to finish those crazy studies. Luckily last week I had a severe breakthrough in the Teacher’s project and even though that was a late relief and it unfortunately still is not finished completely and I begin to wonder w h e n this sad crazy mission impossible will finally end.)
Okay, now you enough of my humble self. Now perhaps you understand my byname Radagast, my friends have reasons for that … lol
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