AMOR - Automated Milking Ongoing Robot

Habe ausversehen mit einem „eigentlich“ gültigen Kommando, eine Menge Dateien gelöscht. Man sei gewarnt vor derart tückischen Befehlen (noch ein Grund, warum ich Leerzeichen in Dateinamen nicht befürworte!).

$    cd /NOTexists \
&& \
rm Screenshot\ 2014-03-03\ *

NEVER USE THIS COMMAND! (have added the cd /NOTexists intentionally to make the command fail instead of deleting your files!)

Note that this single command turns out to be transformed into two separate commands (because of the space and *****):

rm Screenshot\ 2014-03-03\


rm *     #<-- this deletes all files (luckily not the folders)

At least this is what happened to me. It took some moments until I realized the catastrophe!!

Current plan:

  • Specify missing parts for the Vacuumsystem. → BOM.
  • Update all files to the newest design.
  • Step motor controller.
  • Test your algorithms for the robotic manipulator sensor data (Kinect hardware level BBB to increase performance).
  • Teacher’s Project (final months, after this I will have more time for AMOR - finally :slight_smile:!).

Hi Jan,

Puuh, welch ein Abenteuer. Da bist Du wohl mächtig froh, dass Du das jetzt hinter Dir hast, was ? Endlich wieder ein freier Mensch sein :wink:

Wahrscheinlich ist es wegen dem ganzen Öl, dass ich momentan auf seltsame Ideen komme, um irgendwie öl-unabhängig zu werden:

  • Alternierend (= abwechselnd) je Magnet und Draht an alle Bäume im Wald aufhängen. Geht nun ein Wind, so wird in den Drähten durch die Magnetfelder Strom induziert.
  • Angenommen, die Herdentiere grase auf einem Steilhang. Nun die Kühe im unteren Teil Wasser saufen lassen, den Melkroboter aber oben aufstellen …
    Den Tank wiederum auf so tiefe Höhenlage wie möglich versetzen. Die Milch, die vom Melkroboter zum Tank fließt, lassen wir eine Turbine antreiben. Hat man entweder viele Tiere, oder aber eine Höhendifferenz von mehr als 50 Metern, so ist die Stromausbeute schon kein „Spielzeug“ mehr. (sondern eher die Lösung des Stromproblems)

ÖL-unabhängig Strom zu produzieren ist eine gute Idee, aber warum machst Dus Dir so schwer und kompliziert ? Es gibt Wind und Sonne, die liefern genügend Energie, das einzige Problem ist die Speicherung. Ist dies Problem gelöst bist Du unabhängig.

Abgesehen davon haben viele Deiner Ansätze m.E. ein gravierendes Problem: Es funktioniert zwar vopm Prinzip her, aber Du musst auch mal die Frage nach dem Wirkungsgrad stellen und danach, wieviel Du letztlich tatsächlich genau rausbekommst. Das mit der bergab fliessenden Milch ist zwar reizvoll, weil die Kühe von selbst nach oben laufen, aber ich glaube dass die Stromausbeute doch eher sehr gering sein wird.

Gruss, Oliver

Schon im nächsten Abenteuer, die letzten Klausuren gerade erst bestanden. schon nur noch drei Wochen bis zur Abgabefrist meiner Abschlussarbeit …

Ja, der Wirkungsgrad :confused: … echt schwierig da was ordentliches mit den Magneten an den Bäumen hinzubekommen. Das lustige mit der Milch ist, dass dadurch, dass wir auf 900…1000 Meter Höhe austreiben, und das Dorf auf 700 Höhenmetern liegt, doch einiges zusammenkommen dürfte. Und der Milchwagen müsste nicht mehr hochfahren. :slight_smile:

Hi Jan,

Also, ich habs grad mal kurz überschlagen. Eigentlich wollte ich im Rahmen meiner Argumentation damit ja zeigen, dass da eine lächerlich geringe Menge bei rauskommt :wink: aber sofern ich keinen gravierenden Fehler gemacht habe, ist es anscheinend doch erstaunlich viel.

Meine Berchnung basiert auf der Wasserturbinenformel von Wasserturbine – Wikipedia, wobei ich vereinfachend den Wirkungsgrad der Turbine mit 100% annehme, und die Dichte von Milch mit Wasser gleichsetze und die Rohrreibung ausser acht lasse. Damit ergibt sich zunächst als Nennleistung der Milchturbine in KW:

P_mt = Wirkungsgrad_in%_auf_1_normiert * Dichte * Gravitätskonstante * Fallhöhe * Volumenstrom

P_mt = 1 * 1 * 9.81 * 300 * Volumenstrom

Den Volumenstrom kann ich nur grob einschätzen, aber ich weiss, dass es ungefähr 1min dauert, einen 10L-Eimer-Wasser vollaufen zu lassen, wobei auf der Wasserleitung normalerweise 4bar Druck herrschen, die ich heir nicht berücksichtige, bin mir nicht ganz sicher ob Du diesbezüglich das Endergebniss nochmal durch 4 teilen müsstest, aber ich lass es hier erst mal weg.

Weiters nehme ich an, dass bei der Hauswasserleitungd er Rohrdurchmesser 1/2" beträgt und beim Milchturbinenrohr 10cm. Daraus folgt

Volumenstrom_Wassereimer = 10L/60s = 0,167 L/s

Die Querschnittsfläche eines 1/2"Rohrs beträgt 1,266cm^2, die des großen Milchrohrs 78,5cm^2, das ergibt ein Verhältniss von ziemlich genau 1:62, d.h.

0,167 L/s * 62 = 10,35 L/s = 0,01035 m^3/s ( [m^3/s] ist die Einheit die wir für die Formel brauchen.)

Mit diesem Volumenstrom können wir nun die Turbinenformel vervollständigen und es ergäbe sich eine KW-Leistung von

P_mt = 1 * 1 * 9.81 * 300 * 0,01035 =30,46 KW

Läuft die Milch nun eine Stunde lang ununterbrochen hätte man also 30,46 KWh, aber die Frage ist dabei, wie gross der Tank ist. Du sprichst irgendwo etwas weiter oben bei Deinen Kühlungsberechnungen von einem 5000L-Tank, wenn ich nun davon ausgehe, das die Viecher zweimal am Tag gemolken werden, dann lande ich bei 10000L. Um diese bei dem eben berechneten Volumenstrom von 10,35L/s durch das 10cm Rohr laufen zu lassen würde man 16min benötigen, d.h.,

30.46 KW / 60min * 16 min = 8,123 KWh, die Du aus einem 10000L-Tank rausbekämst.

8,123 KWh * 365 Tage = 2964 KWh pro Jahr.

Das klingt doch schon ganz ordentlich.

Allerdings muss man berücksichtigen, dass es sich dabei um mechanische Leistung handelt, d.h., hier käme jetzt noch der Wirkungsgrad des Generators bei der Umwandlung von mechanischer in elektrische Leistung ins Spiel. Da kannst sicher noch einige Prozentpunkte abziehen, je nachdem wie gut Dein Generator ist, aber so ins Blaue hinein würde ich einfach mal pauschal locker 30% Verlust veranschlagen.

Bleibt noch die oben erwähnte Sache mit den 4bar Druck auf der Wasserleitung, ich bin mir wie gesagt nicht ganz sicher, ob die hier wirklich zu veranschlagen wären, denn selbst wenn auf deinem Milchtank stattdessen nur eine Atmosphäre = 1bar Druck lastet und die Milch entsprechend 4 mal langsamer rausgedrückt, dann sollte sich am Gesamtergebniss doch eigentlich nichts ändern, weil der dann kleinere Volumenstrom dafür dann auch enstsprechend 4 mal länger läuft und Strom erzeugt, d.h., an der Gesamtkapazität des 10000L-Tanks würde sich nix ändern.

Naja, alle Angaben ohne Gewähr, ich steh für nix gerade, ehe Du jetzt also 300m Rohrleitungen kaufst, rechne das lieber nochmal selbst nach :wink:

Gruss, Oliver

haha, du bist der beste :slight_smile: ich warte noch mit den Rohren, erfahrungsgemäß sind 10cm-Durchmesser-Rohre schwer zu bekommen, und dann müssten sie noch Lebensmittelgerecht sein.

Danke für die Berechnungen, sehr aufschlussreich.

Ich denke auch, dass der Druckunterschied über die Zeit keinen Unterschied macht. Zumindest bei Schwerkraft-Turbinen. Bei Impulsturbinen kommt die Geschwindigkeit ins Spiel. Ein größeres Druckgefälle von oben nach unten könnte dabei eine größere Beschleunigung des Fließmediums (hier Milch) erwirken. Das hätte eine größere Geschwindigkeit zur Folge (und größeren Volumenstrom wie du bereits nanntest insofern oben genug Milch vorhanden ist). Leider ist das Druckgefälle hier andersherum: von unten nach oben. :confused:

Der Druckunterschied schiebt dabei die Milch entweder an oder bremst sie (zusätzlich zu der Rohrreibung). Ich denke allerdings, dass der Impulsgewinn mit dem Volumenstrom in der Formel bereits abgedeckt ist.

Doch ich denke du hast den entscheidenden Punkt schon angesprochen. Selbst wenn wir alle ilchgebenden Kühe, die dort oben grasen, (~1000) zusammenrechnen, ist immer noch fraglich, ob permanent Milch fließen würde. Und um all diese Milch zu nutzen, müssten alle Kühe/Bauernhöfe den selben Melkroboter nutzen. Und der Melkroboter müsste die Milchmenge anteilig berechnen und an den Milchwagen weiterleiten.

Aber zurück zu deinem Druckunterschied. Ich denke noch immer, wir können dadurch eine Menge herausholen. Du ahnst es bestimmt. Ich arbeite seit einiger Zeit an Plänen zur Energiegewinnung durch genau dieses Prinzip - und einem weiteren: Temperaturdifferenz. Einmal wollte ich sogar einen unterirdischen Tunnel senkrecht in den Boden graben, um an Rohrlänge zu sparen …

Ob Schacht graben wohl vorteilhaft gegenüber Turmbau ist?

Das mit der Milch muss ich wohl vergessen, da:

  • Nicht alle Landwirte mitmachen würden (und deshalb die Milchmenge zu gering wäre, also nicht rund um die Uhr hinabfließen würde).
  • Strenge Vorschriften gelten im Umgang mit Milch.

Hast zufällig irgendwer eine Steilklippe in bei sich in der Nähe? In der Sächsischen Pfalz müsste es das doch sicher geben - gibt es dort auch Klippen, die 100…300 Meter tief sind?

Gräben würden auch gehen. Umso senkrechter, desto besser.

Wir müssten die Mining-Industrie dazu animieren, endlich Turbinen ohne Schnickschnack aus rechtlichen und sicherheitstechnischen Gründen nur bei den Ein- und Ausgänge der Minenschächte einzubauen, zumindest bei den stillgelegten. Unter 1,5km Tiefe herrschen +50 °C (s. Grafik), da splittert der Fels wie Glas … und die Luft schießt nach oben wie der Blitz.

Jetzt hab ich mich geoutet … ich hoffe, wir finden endlich eine Lösung für das Energiedilemma. Meine Hoffnung schwindet langsam, wenn ich nicht bald bessere Ideen habe und etwas fruchtbares Zustande bekomme.

Zu dem genannten Energie-Kamin werde ich baldmöglichst Berechnungen durchführen und alles in einem ‚Proposal‘ Dokument zusammenfassen. Solche Projekte kann nur die Gesellschaft als ganzes tragen (es geht um Hunderte Meter Rohre … und die Grundversorgung eines ganzen Dorfes.).

Im 19. Jh. hat man den Thames-Tunnel gegraben - mit Schildvortrieb: Mit der Neu-Österreichischen-Tunnelbautechnik mit Spritzbeton zur Absicherung sollte man meinen, man könnte einfach so unter Mittelgebirge durchgraben und eigene Erdbewegung unterirdisch ausführen (z.B. für Hallenbau) … doch frage ich mich, ob es nicht nur bei Felsgestein funktioniert? Zur Festigung von Erdschichten wird Spritzbeton wohl kaum den 90%ig selben Effekt haben?

Tunnelbau vs. Turmbau ist relevant, da wir so Pumpspeicherkraftwerke und Wasserkraftwerke leichter und kostengünstiger bauen könnten (vorausgesetzt, der Tunnel oder Turm wäre bereits natürlich gegeben, z.B. durch eine Schlucht.)

Um wieder auf das Thema zurückzukommen:


Elektronik & Software

  • HW-nahe Lösung ist RODOS. Doch da der Melkroboter zugleich Webserver sein sollte, gibt es eine Kursänderung:
  • RODOS Archlinux
  • Das heißt für die Erfassung der 3D-Daten:
  • HWnaher Treiber Verwendung von ROS & MRTB.
  • => Wiederverwertbarkeit steigt, doch wir brauchen viel mehr Rechenleistung, was zur nächsten Änderung führt:
  • BBBlack uC UDOO μC


  • Es gilt zunächst eine Mechanik aufzubauen,
  • die das entwickelte Vakuumsystem enthält.
  • Dann gilt es Eutererkennung voranzutreiben. (unter Verwendung des RobotOperatingSystem), um das Rad nicht neu zu erfinden. Das Ergebnis wird an die
  • Manipulatorsteuerung weitergegeben. Andocken! (übernimmt Cortex M3, ebenfalls auf UDOO verbaut).
  • Tor- und Fütterungssystem (einfacher als vorangehende Punkte). (ebenfalls M3)
  • Während des Melkvorgangs übernimmt UDOO’s 4-Kernprozessor die Kontrolle der Milch-Messwerte, speichert sie in einer
  • SQLLite oder UnQLite Datenbank (je immer nur eine Datei, letzteres speichert Schlüssel-Werte Paare, ersteres erlaubt SQL Abfragen). Ferner ist UDOO für Webrequests als
  • Webserver verfügbar. (da kann so viel schief gehen, dass in der Zeit kein zeitkritischer Task vom Hauptprozessor ausgeführt werden kann (selbst mit RealTime Kernel). Der 4-Kern ist also nur für rechenintensive und datenbezogene Verwendung vorgesehen.)
  • Der arduino-kompatible eingebettete Echtzeit-Cortex-M3 Mikrorechner [strike]kontrolliert die Vakuum-Messwert-Erfassung[/strike] (zunächst kein Sensor vorhanden!) und die
  • [strike]Steuerung der Vakuumpumpe und[/strike] Ventile.

hier noch was zum Thema Wasserkraftwerk:

Thx. Very expensive^^ 60 Mio.

Nur wenig Zeit bis zur Abgabefrist. Und schon wieder eine Änderung für AMOR;
UDOO fällt heraus, ist zu teuer. Man kann stattdessen einfach einen ganz normalen Rechner verwenden. Klar, der Stromverbrauch mag höher sein. Aber UDOO kostet mit 150€ eine Menge. Ich werde jedenfalls Archlinux bei mir installieren und darauf arbeiten. Dann kann auch weniger kaputt gehen. Dafür wäre UDOO zu teuer.

Hi Jan,

:wink: Naja, ich dachte auch nicht an 1:1 nachbauen :wink: Aber ich fand es ganz interessant, dass es da Zahlen gab, also wieviel Kubikmeter Wasser im oberen und unteren Becken und wieviel Strom die daraus machen. Das könnte man mal vergleichsweise runterrechnen auf unseren 10 m^3-Milchtank.

UDOO fällt heraus, ist zu teuer. Man kann stattdessen einfach einen ganz normalen Rechner verwenden. Klar, der Stromverbrauch mag höher sein. Aber UDOO kostet mit 150€ eine Menge.

Das war auch meine erster Gedanke, auch wenn sich das mit dem Quadcore ganz nett anhört. Darum würde ich lieber beim BBB bleiben. Das IST ein ganz normaler Rechner und er verbraucht wenig Strom. Und kostet mit 45,-EUR nicht viel.

Gruss, Oliver

Hast recht. Damit könnten wir ausrechnen, ob unsere Werte plausibel sind. Gute Idee.

Wenn ich ROS verwende, wird das BBB vor lauter Datenverarbeitung den Geist aufgeben. Ich nehme einfach erstmal einen gewöhnlichen Dual oder Quad Core, zum Testen einfach das System von dem aus ich gerade schreibe? :smiley:

Hallo :slight_smile:
ich finde dieses Projekt sehr interessant. Arbeitet ihr noch daran? Ich würde mich sehr gerne beteiligen, weiß aber nicht wie…

It’s still and will always be worked upon until my minor self is happy with the results - and so are the cows. So yes.

Unfortunately currently I’m heavily tied in with fulfilling government requirements (yeah, frozen mortar due to winter temperatures is helping a lot with hitting the time deadline).

Whatever the result will be, neighbours already ensured me to let me test the milking robot with their cows even though I hate doing this because development tests are risky for the economical aspects of an ongoing company (like the neighbour farm - while for my farm this is no problem as long as we survive the every month -500€ balance until milk prices recover … haha which will never be the case while even bread prices rise almost by 33% regularly (at least in my village), which leads to the root of the problem: there is too much milk because farmers continue to deliver milk even if they have a negative balance because they know that generations before have invested huge amounts of energy to get things going and keep going - therefore the milk market is not regulating itself as it should.)

Thus our farm is not seen as important to keep alive which requires me to invest all energy to convince them otherwise.

The development currently is held up by financial issues because we can’t order the metal despite the prototype being set since long now.

I asked my chief (a mechanic master of Viktor Schauberger technology et alia) that masters mechanics (and also has a farm eco-technological system) but he declared a milking robot as not important because he has slaves (wife, …) that do milk - or at least he thinks the robot prevents human <-> animal interaction which I believe is a wrong hypothesis because a milking robot frees time to spend with the cows. Who really cares for the cow’s welfare while milking? So he doesn’t support my works and bombs me with other complex tasks to keep me from „wasting“ time with the milking robot and such things.

The electronics and software can only seriously be started once mechanic structure and precision are gotten right because step by step testing requires a hardware to test upon (okay there are simulations, sorry I’m not a fan of models that might be wrong themselves, I will test on the real thing).

I surely don’t like all this technology bangbang, nevertheless it’s a means to achieve our goals.

And we won’t stop before we’ve not achieved our goals or pass away - whatever comes first. Doesn’t matter anyway, I believe I’ll even continue in the world after this world …

So you know electronics? Mechanics? Software? Anyway, just start designing prototypes that are how you’d like them to milk perfectly. Just work upon what you think a perfect milking robot might look like and function.

Sorry for the late response :confused: .
Sounds pretty cool, my uncle also has a Farm with some milk cows. Currently I am having a job as a IT Administrator in a small company but I dont want to do this stupid shit for my whole live. So I want to set my focus on this small farm and want to look how I and a other People can profit from this place in the future. I dont believe that we have to keep the cows in the circumstances that we are having today. The „new“ insight that we have to give the calves as much milk as they want to grow (Ad-libitum-Fütterung) is in my opinion only half of the truth. When we give the calves as much milk as they want why are we not letting them with their mothers? Its what the cows and the calves were designed for in millions of years. I think if we just let them do what they want to and what they are designed to we all would benefit of it.
Grazing on the willow and caring for their calves…
Thats the point where AMOR comes into the Story. I think if we give them a small reward in AMOR the cows would have enough milk for our needs and for their calves. E.G. some Cereal.
This would maybe also be a solution to the problem with the much milk. Why have we to produce so much food under circumstances which are bad for both sides the animals and the humans? If we also could live with a fraction of the things we are getting from the nature.
I dont know wether this plan is working or not but I think its worth the try.
How much financial Issues are you talking about?
I also think that the hardware has to be available to build the robot step by step.
Surely we will continue, maybe not like this and maybe not here (the universe is big;)). Its only one step on this giant journey…
I think I am in none of this three subjects an expert but I really want to help because I am convinced that when we participate together in something we can get a really good thing. Not an expert doesent mean I have no clue of this things, I think I can do something in alle three subjects, maybe best in Software,but if I am honest, I am interested to work in all three subjects and improve my skills during this project.
The plans you have are in my opinion already really good. I have no idea how i could improve it at the moment (They will surely come during the project :wink:).
Wouldnt it be better to work together on the prototype?
If you think what I’m talking is bullshit just let me know :wink:
Sorry for the bad english but I really took effort :slight_smile:

Grazing on the [meadow] and caring for their calves…
Thats the point where AMOR comes into the Story. I think if we give them a small reward in AMOR the cows would have enough milk for our needs and for their calves. E.G. some Cereal.

We are in sync with respect to this matter! yay!
(And thanks for the delighting cows on willow idea! :slight_smile:)

This would maybe also be a solution to the problem with the much milk. Why have we to produce so much food under circumstances which are bad for both sides the animals and the humans? If we also could live with a fraction of the things we are getting from the nature.
I don’t know whether this plan is working or not but I think its worth the try.
How much financial Issues are you talking about?

absolutely it could fix the root cause, the too much milk, as we both outlined above. Yet reality (history, physics et alia) tells that things will go wrong so I wouldn’t expect so much of it. The AMOR might get abused, commercialized upon, patented or whatever … and we’ll be all powerless against these things, because licenses are only half as helpful as often thought (apropos now the open source ecology license CC-BY-SA share alike is in sync with all the licenses of my projects, great!).

Financial issues won’t recover too soon, milk price will fall by 5 more cents, next month 28 …
now have arranged with a neighbor to use the welding machine because I failed to buy this 400 € stainless steel/ aluminum welder on Amazon. On work I’m not allowed to use it, they don’t support milking robots. :frowning:

And we never should order perforated sheet metal. It’s so expensive, it almost froze me when seeing it on the bill:
price(1m * 2m, 3 mm hole diameter) = 134 €
Maybe it’s ultra thick, or the hole drilling too expensive? Which makes me think about Olli’s drilling automation for the UniProKit.

As we’re open source, here is the bill:
I have canceled the perforated sheet metal … and will return it by hand into their office if they deliver it nevertheless.

My designs will never use perforated metal anymore as a workaround, only if it’s really useful … Tretorn and Belenus

I’m happy to see English here, because English is the root expression of information in a most global (universe++ wide) development effort - all other languages can be translated into starting from English. Thus we are/should be pure English based consequently throughout all development.

The plans you have are in my opinion already really good. I have no idea how i could improve it at the moment (They will surely come during the project > :wink:> ).
Wouldnt it be better to work together on the prototype?

Unfortunately plans will never be good enough. I already see countless nights and epic day journeys fixing all the issues that can arise - and they will. So put on the armour, and get ready for getting to it.

So I agree.
Hereby it also shall be known that if the milking robot not milks within the next 1…2 years, the galaxis may stop spinning, because I’ve shot myself to Mars with so much thrust counter spin that it may reverse spin rotation Be warned. :wink:

Next step is putting the manipulator together, fixing all the issues that will arise and so on. I also try to get the milking chamber door done, plastering should also be finished next week, and at work I’ll likely have to quit - I have it printed and the letter ready - and that while I actually have put up this crazy website in countless hours for them. I’m only in contract for 50 hours / month, so they actually benefit of me quitting because I’ve only cost them 4 x 450 € contrary to getting such a webpage by a web design company which costs 15 000 € +.

I have a whole stack of Aimeos Typo3 patches that I had to code in rushes and under heavy attack … and it’s stil lnot ending , still having to code bundle pricing and category search stacking. Oh great sun!

The problem is the list they give me is never ending even if I continue to work 75 hours / week exclusively for them … they are dreamers/fantasts … and I thought I was a dreamer/fantast … holy cow and teutates. Everyone calls me fantast and then what are these self-claimed realists and self-proclaimed hard-core men? Super fantasts? (haha, maybe these muscle men should help me fetching the other 10 m^3 of wood (4500 Kg spruce) from the forest, they’ll enjoy lifting tons around and up onto the trailer, at least they could save the fitness center bill. No offense meant.)

So you see, I also share this company craziness part with you, funnily my chef too (he hates being employed). The problem is I have 3 chefs … everyone wanting their machine fixed as soon as possible (damn electronics & code & calibration of 1980 bending machine!!! argh) or flying animated bees on their web pages … I’m just one person and that 50 hours / month.

Ah and I forgot, the state has canceled all my EU funds, too! They are so funny! They even wanted to cancel the milk delivery. Okay I just rented the farm for some weeks now and the state almost closed it … how shall it recover and shine in self-sustained open source glamor if the whole world is just shooting with cannons on each other.

Back to AMOR: Next step:

  • Assemble joints and links.

t letting them with their mothers? Its what the cows and the calves were designed for in millions of years. I think if we just let them do what they want to and what they are designed to we all would benefit of it.
Grazing on the willow and caring for their calves…

Addition: the AMOR should be able to scan (x-ray/Röntgen rays) the animals to determine common problems, e.g. turned around calf such that we can intervene in time.
My favorite cow almost died recently due to stomach pain ( too young/energy rich free food ). Such conditions must be detected by AMOR.

AMOR might put in ear marks for the calves automatically

Removing horns is a verdict against animal welfare in my opinion. Farmers are forced to remove the horns of all female calves and - since this year - also of all male ones, even of those that go to the … ähm … butcher anyway!
Now that is animal torture in my opinion. Because even with anesthesia (Betäubung) the heat that reaches into the head of the calves is brutal, depending on how farmers do it and often they heat too much in my experience.

Also bulls need a nose ring by law.

Furthermore - as you mentioned - removing calves from their mothers is torture for the mother cow too.

I’ve grown up on a farm, have worked as cattle/horse farm helper, have another job as a helper on a 100+ cows and chopper contractor farm, have studied aerospace, worked for university for 5 years, are employed as web designer and software and electronics engineer as well as animal carer and have my own farm (while a bit rubbish and almost everything is broken, including problems with state agencies due to my elder „aunts“ failure to modernize the farm - we’re still milking by hand, getting the harvest in by hand, and so on! Yes! 21th century! holy owl).


AMOR could fix a lot of issues in the interest of the common public citizens (and thus states) and farmers alike.

  • AMOR can reduce the milk flood Europe is swimming in (state agricultural agencies already rejecting Bio-certification applications, milk carriers at their limit, milk prices in downfall despite far more complicated and costly to produce than water still milk is far far cheaper).
  • AMOR can help small scale farmers to survive financially.
  • AMOR solves the end scenario when the EU goal of only ecological milk production is reached (then the Bio prices will fall drastically too). AMOR will relax the strain because it is an open design, solving the nutrition problem due to increased efficiency and machine perfection - therefore delivering milk of many different animal species directly to local citizens.

There are more solutions. The market will solve this problem by killing the small farms as well as inefficient, high debt big farms or by introducing new milk quotas on milk processing scale.

AMOR has never seen any penny, nor real support other than by one (1) EU citizen, Oliver. Okay, 2 with my sister. 3 with my little brother. 4 with a passive neighbour. They want AMOR, but support not exists and you know what, Oliver is right, we don’t even need it. Nature and our follow generations will thank us.

IT master Daniel is the amazing 5th person to help in about 4 years. hehe. Great balance.

The virtually non-existent support and counter terrorism challenges pushed me to no longer provide open code, only open hardware. You’ll have to hack my computers … like those of 0AD had to to get to 0BC code. Edit: Binary will be provided.

This is pretty typical for farmers - consider the failure in the 30-years war 1618…1648 when the victorious huge momentum farmer army was tricked in Nuremberg (?) to retreat with the promise that peace will be when they dissolve - the farmers didn’t want, apparently reached their goal of peace (because they know war is evil because they see dying/suffering animals frequently and have always been cannon fodder) and therefore dissolved.

All have been hunted down and killed.
So farmers unite and unite smartly with (not against! demonstrations don’t help) the non-farming citizens and the state and European Union or get doomed over the next years, because we have too much milk.

Laws are made by us, they are not artificial, if some are not ideal, we have to rework those.

Everyone wants everything for free - the problem is this goal will never be reached when the history is extrapolated if we continue like we do.

We have too much milk, we must fix it, not demonstrate for more common public funds. We need AMOR for sustainable ecological open farming. It only costs a fraction of what even a 10 ha non-eco farm gets approximately per year as extra land/ground funds: 10 * 300 € = 3200 €.

And don’t come with excuses like your parents or grandparents don’t want modernization, my two elderly aunts are likely some of the most reverse non-modernized farmers across entire Europe (milking, filling, emptying hay stack and silo by hand!) and yet I won’t ask long. They (or rather we currently, lol) even shovel the manure/dung by hand. They even get angry when I go into the forest because they think it is too cold.

Bahh … I don’t care if it doesn’t make sense, then I not get angry, I just state that it must be done and must be done now because it makes sense
One can lose nothing - if what one changes doesn’t work out then people will laugh and such and yet it doesn’t matter because they can do what they want. We will just fix what not works and learn our lessons.

update edited above post

Valid across all territory controlled by the European Union. For a definition of control check the institute for study of war.

AMOR CC REQUIREMENTS: (edited frequently)

  • Requires AMOR to be connected to a sterile/easy to clean, light (despite Ultra Violet radiation!), tiled/washable color painted milking chamber.

Yeah, like Murphy said, what can go wrong will go wrong but i think this shouldnt stop us whether in our dreams nor in the targets we are aiming at :wink:.
I also think failing is a big part of live and there is nothing wrong with it, its no cause to get afraid of living. Imagine children would get affraid of walking after failing the first few times, its a absolute normal thing and the fact that our society only talks about sucess storys is a great weakness - Thats the spirit, getting up again, dust oneself down and try to do it better :smiley:. So there are much things we cant influence, but we always try our best :wink:

It’s a shame with this prices, it was a big mistake to get so dependent to the milk companys - same thing on our farm…

You forgot to remove your name on the second site of the bill :exclamation: - wanted to write you a PM - but im not allowed to do this yet :frowning:

Yeah, youre right, how easy could the information flow arround our globe if we all could use this easy language a little more :slight_smile:

Like i said in the beginning, a normal process and nothing to be worried about
Sounds like you really want to aim for stars, i like that :slight_smile:

Sounds cool, i am also very bounded in my job, but i have said them already that i wont be there forever, feels really good. But until then i only have a small amount of time, so how do i come into the progress to help you? Of course they have a high benefit of you, thats what companies are doing with us, thats why opensourceecology is such a great idea :slight_smile:.
To go into the forrest instead of the fitness center is nothing offensive, its a really cool place with the trees, the fresh air and the silence.

Thats a shitty situation, what are these motherfuckers saiing you are doing wrong with your farm?
Your Background is one of the coolest i have ever heard of, sounds pretty varied, a important thing in my opinion :slight_smile:

I’m 23 years old. I was since i was a little kid on the farm of my uncle, that was always my thing. Studied business informatics and want to finish this first year in my job to get a little money to start planing my future on the farm. Because milking in a milking parlour is not my favourite work i looked around for alternatives and found you :slight_smile:

I think further generations can profit very well of the open source things that are created here, the only danger i am seeing is that till there the world will lay in shutters, so both ways there is nothing to lose with building a milking robot :wink:
i dont get the thing with the counter terrorism :confused:

I also see a big reason of the too much milk in the compound interest, it forces everyone to grow until infinite, what will result in a big collapse. I see the need of all citizens to unite smartly against this thing, because this brougth us to the inhuman conditions we are facing today. (Much people starve, while we are throwing 40 % of our food into the waste bin, People have 2 jobs and its still too less to survive, We are holding animals in giant industrial complexes where they are living under unworthy circumstances, monsanto etc. poisons our food with genes and glyphosphat and so on, mothers are forced to put their children into kitas while they are very young to go working (basically same thing like with the cows, nature has created so wonderful things, but the dumb humans think they are a lot cleverer than billions of years of evolution) list is endless, but i stop here…)

Yes, we have to fix it, the solution i believe in is the plan b from the wissensmanufaktur, in my eyes a draft with high potential :slight_smile:

The extrapolation - another thing that brougth us the endless grow thats forced by the compound interest. Small comunities work a lot better, its always(99,999% i think :smiley:) bullshit what comes from the EU, because they can not see the influences that work in this communities.

Fuck, when i answer your post sentence by sentence here in the end i have to realize that i wrote something very similar in the beginnig, really funny :smiley:

I share your point, too. Besides that I like the idea and standardization of the EU pretty much. (And it knows our communities better than some states themselves. e.g. in the building codes they include all kinds of weather and other conditions - definitely this EU is a real time saver (or could be if finally could come together closer, because learning only one standard/norm is way cooler than understanding why everyone does it differently while the physics is actually the same.)

Thanks for the hint, doesn’t matter, I’m open source and stand for what I’m saying and doing - no secrets in this regard.
Won’t change it, time’s too precious, lately had 2 failing monitors. When fixed, then immediately hard drive failure. Put me out of development and in data worry for a moon.

I believe the farm makes a difference because when working for someone one supports their vision which may not be shared. (e.g. my vision is criticized a lot at work, they always want to stop me.) So my motivation is only high when following a vision that makes sense to me. Which is why the farm is so nice because I can arrange it as a base for my ventures to make this world a better place and I will unless I get killed in action. My goals to create an epic world like the great minds of human history imagined will never be given up. Nothing will stop me until death. Call me fanatic, doesn’t matter what others say, everyone its own within law (community supported i.e. non one-person like dictator, philosophical and sensible law).

Our milking robot will not be adopted because it’s a low-milk-yield robot which no one likes because it will bring little money. Its purpose is to reduce workload by magnitudes, thus saving precious time that is better spent differently. (e.g. aiming for the stars)

Of course it can be adapted to be a high yield milking robot. If one knows to code of course - and as I’ll code it I won’t code it that way, because my goal is a „better“ world and not material things.

Had some progress and bad news, all joints fell below my expectations. Yet made the best of it and fixed the really imprecise joints by getting rid of the M6 screw (fully threaded!), drilling the holes bigger from M7 (!) to M8 (see photos).

As a side note I couldn’t return the perforated sheet metal, because it’d be too expensive to store it. While another shock, at least there is some purpose for it. We’ll come back to it.

Have settled the quarrels with my chief (or they just begin because I told them of my overtime after they again didn’t let me work on the 1980 machine and yet asked for when it’d be finished, chief did understand that Aimeos new feature programming out of the blue again and again flooded my working hours).
Now, my chief told me calves always come to the mother cow at the same time else the cow will be empty … and one calf will starve. In our case the milking robot could starve.
So here comes the solution:
Another branch (version) of the milking robot will be fully mobile, acting like a real calf, milking when the other calves drink too - including cow milk amount analysis to determine how much it can „drink“.
How many calves drink at the cow regularly also needs monitoring for this to work (by the milking robot).

getting late … have to get up at 6 again, milking (AMOR where are you? :wink:) so will go trying to sleep …

Nothing is completely good or bad, so the EU surely has some good points too.

Go your way, if everybody would only do wat others say we would still sit in trees :slight_smile:

Interesting to hear about your progress. The calve issue is very ambitionous.

2 hours of sleep, thats not much. You reeeally need AMOR.
So i see, you have no concrete tasks for me at the moment, so i will come back when i have more time. Maybe i could visit you then or something :slight_smile: